Apple launches ‘Shop with a Specialist’ as a new way to shop online

Navneet Chawla

One thing we have already said about the online shopping sector is that the human touch goes missing whenever we do any shopping online because of the fact that we are not in a retail store which means that there is no one to interact with, and we just have to get all the information we need from the details provided in the listing or search for it online. This is well and good for the young generation who are interested in doing all the research but for those who are least bothered about these things, it is much of a hassle.

Now, one of the biggest e-commerce and offline brands in the world, Apple has tried to innovate on this department which its new service called “Shop with a Specialist”. Basically, this new service which will be available on the Apple website in the US right now is a live video chat feature where you will have a specialist on the other side guiding you about exactly which product suits you the best while shopping on their website. This, we believe, will helps millions who are confused about which iPhone or iPad or Mac to get and what should be its configuration and end up overspending or getting the wrong one.

It is known that Apple’s customer service is extremely good but now that its customers are not queuing up on retail stores at launch day to pre-order and get the latest iPhones, it has to innovate and help all the customers who are pre-ordering from their online stores. This is another type of live video shopping and it is not anything new as a lot of companies have tried it already, and failed at that.

However, we believe that Apple will be successful in this department because of its customer service. Looking at the Apple website, this feature is already live where you can connect on a live video call with one of the Apple specialist and get help regarding your Apple purchase. Right now, the “Shop with a Specialist” feature is only available for iPhones but it will be available for all Apple products down the line.

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