How To Build Your Etsy Email List In 2024

Mohita Verma

Are you an Etsy seller? If you said yes, it’s time to know how to collect emails on Etsy in 2024, and we’re here to show you HOW.  Do you know why you should know more about it? These stats speak for themselves:

  1. Email marketing generates $36 for every dollar spent.
  2. 39% of individuals check their inboxes between 3-5 times a day.
  3. 88% of people use email every single day.
  4. Companies that use personalization while reaching out to customers across multiple channels (rather than using Etsy alone), also known as omnichannel marketing, could increase their revenue by between 5% and 15%.

We’ve talked about the statistics; now, let’s discuss what email marketing actually means.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing involves sending targeted messaging to a group of individuals. There are multiple reasons why email marketing is conducted, like encouraging purchases, building relationships, etc.

So, how can you go about the email collection process? Let’s dive in.

How To Collect Emails On Etsy

Before you start building an Etsy email list, you should know Etsy’s policy

You may receive a buyer’s email address or other information as a result of entering into a transaction with that buyer. This information may only be used for Etsy-related communications or for Etsy-facilitated transactions. You may not use this information for unsolicited commercial messages or unauthorized transactions. Without the buyer’s consent, and subject to other applicable Etsy policies and laws, you may not add any Etsy member to your email or physical mailing list, use that buyer’s identity for marketing, or obtain or retain any payment information.”

To create an email marketing list, buyers must have a custom link through which they can sign up. Given that you need to create a custom link, one way to achieve this objective is to use an email marketing service provider.

Choosing An Email Marketing Service Provider

Through email marketing service providers, you can create email marketing lists while making sure you certainly follow all data privacy laws. Examples include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Drip, ConvertKit, Drip, Mailshake, GetResponse, Klaviyo, HubSpot, and ActiveCampaign. These providers can help you not just create but also manage your list.

Before making a decision, consider the following:

  1. Thе size оf уоur list 
  2. Design and customization options fоr уоur emails
  3. Availability of analytics/reporting tools 
  4. Automation аnd segmentation features for personalization
  5. Customer support аnd resources to plan your strategy

How To Encourage Customer Email List Sign Ups

You can provide custom sign-up links to subscribers through:

  1. Banners
  2. Product images & descriptions
  3. SMS messages
  4. Shop Announcements section
  5. About section
  6. Social media platforms

Besides the above, these are acceptable ways to get your audience to sign up to your email list:

  1. Free Add-Ons: Each time a customer purchases something from your Etsy shop, you can give them something free of charge in return. The product paid for could have a QR code that helps your customer directly sign up to your email list. Not to mention, free add-ons encourage repeat purchases and build brand loyalty. For example: “Thanks for purchasing our book! Enter your email address and we’ll send it to you.”
  2. Courses/Programs: Consider launching a course that may interest your target audience. For example, if you’re a furniture seller, create a DIY course on how to decorate your home and provide a link on your email to it. Another key point is that courses can build brand loyalty, and you can especially use SMS messages and promotional flyers within products to get people to sign up to your email list. For example: “Sign up for our 7-day email marketing course to get the ROI you deserve. Click on this link now!”
  3. Contests: One way to get your customers hyped up about your products is by running contests. Offers like getting a specific percentage off on products or a free small-value product on completion of a specific task can work in your favor. Specifically, you could ask your audience to sign up for your email list to confirm their participation in a contest. For example: “Participate in the “What product do you value the most in your home and why? Comment and win discount coupons worth ₹4000! Click on the link to register.
  4. Waitlists: To build up excitement for a much-awaited product, create a waitlist. Set a timer, like during the last 24 hours before a product launch. For example: “Our limited-edition winter jackets are going to launch! Meanwhile, get on the waitlist by clicking on this link.”
  5. Lead Magnets: You can collect your recipient’s name and email address through lead magnets. Undoubtedly, valuable information in this format builds trust. For example: “Download our guide on home decor tips today! Just enter your email address, and we’ll send it to you.”

I Know How To Collect Emails On Etsy! What Next?

Encouraging your audience to sign up for your email list is not where your job ends. Rather, the first thing to remember is that it has merely started. You need to make sure your subscribers keep reading your emails and do not opt out of the email list. For this reason, let’s hop on to the retention aspect of Etsy email marketing.

Here are some ways to retain your email subscribers:

  1. Welcome Your Email Subscribers

The first email you send to subscribers sets expectations for what your audience can receive from you. Undeniably, your first email, also called the welcome mail, must clarify whether you plan to send discounts on Etsy products, educational tips and tricks, etc. 

Other things that you must include in your welcome email:

  • A short “Thank you for subscribing” message
  • The frequency at which you plan to send emails
  • Most importantly, include a message asking customers to mark your email address as Safe/Not Spam so that they don’t miss out on them

  2. Optimize Your Email Design And Layout

Besides just sending emails to your customers, it’s critical to ensure your emails are attractive and user-friendly.

Consider these techniques to optimize your emails:

  • Incorporate clear and consistent branding that reflects your/your company’s style.
  • Ensure your email designs are responsive and work well across all devices, like your laptop, mobile phone, and tablet.
  • Keep your layout simple and clean.
  • Use optimal white space and keep your content in points to make it easy to read.

   3. Segment Your Email List

Divide your email subscribers into smaller categories and send out different promotional emails to subscribers in each category. Also, doing this can help you eventually capture the attention of each audience group and reduce the chances of subscribers opting out of your emails. 

In particular, these are the ways to segment your list:

  • Demographic segmentation, based on age, gender, location, оr income 
  • Behavioral segmentation, based on purchase history, browsing history, оr email activity 
  • Psychographic segmentation, based on іntеrеѕtѕ, hobbies, оr values 

   4. Use Analytics For Email Strategy Refinement

To ensure your subscribers have a great experience reading your emails, you need to track marketing metrics from time to time and refine your strategy accordingly. Hence, after you know how to collect emails on Etsy, consider these metrics:

  • Open Rate: It refers to the number of subscribers who open your emails. Consider personalizing email promotions based on your customers’ purchase history and using their name in the subject lines.
  • Clickthrough Rate: The clickthrough rate is the percentage of subscribers who click on a specific link in your emails, like a link to your Etsy store. Ensure the design and placement of links make it easy for subscribers to click on them. 
  • Conversion Rate: It refers to the number of subscribers who take the desired action after opening your emails, like buying a product or filling out a survey form. Additionally, keep your call-to-actions clear so the reader has clarity about the action you want them to perform.  
  • Bounce Rate: The bounce rate refers to the percentage of emailers that are not delivered to your subscribers’ inboxes. Hence, clean your email lists at regular intervals from time to time by deleting invalid email addresses. Furthermore, it will reduce your bounce rate. 
  • Spam Rate: It refers to the percentage of subscribers who mark emails as spam. Specifically, never use spammy words in your emails, like “get rich quick” and “make money fast.” Even once in a while can lead to your audience not reading your emails.
  • Unsubscribe Rate: The unsubscribe rate refers to the percentage of subscribers who opt out of an email list. Hence, use surveys to understand whether your audience is uninterested in your emails and modify your content based on the feedback you receive.

All things considered, beside these metrics, use A/B testing by sending out two versions of emails with varying subject lines, content, and images. Subsequently, test to see what works best and create a strategy accordingly.

P.S Check out the above video to learn more about how to analyze your email marketing efforts. 

A Word Of Caution

Here are things you should absolutely NOT do while creating your email list:

  1.  Send excessive emails within a short time frame, like 5-6 emails in 1 day
  2.  Sell your Etsy email list to other individuals in any circumstances
  3.  Use misleading subject lines that steer customers away from you

In conclusion, building уоur email list іn 2024 іѕ a game-changer fоr уоur business. So, by implementing thе strategies outlined in this guide regarding how to collect emails on Etsy, you’ll not only expand уоur reach but аlѕо foster a community оf loyal customers in the long run. Further, keep adapting and refining your approach based оn feedback аnd analytics tо ensure ongoing success in no time. 

About the author

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