Online Grocery customers spend more than in-store customers: Report

Navneet Chawla

It is known that we now get everything online from electronics to home furniture and woodworking tools all the way down to our grocery and vegetables and fruits as well. This is all thanks to the age of e-commerce where people don’t need to move an inch, except when the delivery comes, in order to get the things they need. Talking about online shopping for grocery, it is worth noting that there is a whole crew out there that still advocates the in-store shopping experience and says that you get things fresh and as per your choice as it has a personal touch.

Now, a report has been conducted on the different between online grocery shopping compared to in-store grocery shopping and the results are quite surprising. The results of this report also show why online stores let people shop from their home instead of not giving them an option to shop online. In the report, it is revealed that “consumers spend $88 on their average in-store grocery purchase. Conversely, eGrocery customers spend a significantly higher $116 on average per purchase”. This tells us that when a person orders grocery online, they will spend 32% higher on an average compared to when they visit the store physically.

This report also tells you a lot about human psychology as opposed to what everyone feels about in-store shopping. We have always heard people say that when you shop from physical stores, you get distracted and get things which you don’t really want but just because you saw them, you feel the need to buy them. However, with online shopping, you get everything in front of your eyes which means that the things which you might have overlooked while shopping in store will be there during your online shopping session. Also, you don’t need to worry about the cart being full and how you will carry all the items which is why you tend to spend more online. It is worth noting that this survey was carried out “in April of a census-balanced panel of nearly 2,700 U.S. consumers” by the PYMNTS team in collaboration with AWS.

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