Mozilla acquires a startup named Fakespot that identifies fake reviews

Navneet Chawla

If you have been using e-commerce for a while then you will know that there is a great importance of reviews and user comments on products that you buy online. The reason is that you are purchasing the products virtually without touching them or having a feel of them unlike you do in physical stores. This is the reason why you need the validation that a product is of good quality and other things. For that, you see reviews posted by customers who have already bought the product and can even see the product photos they have posted.

However, did you know that there are companies out there that pay the users to post fake reviews under their product listings so that you can get enticed to purchase those products reading the rave reviews of that particular product. The situation gets worse when the company sends these products to influencers and asks them to post “positive reviews” of those products so that you don’t read the negative part about that product. This is a really bad situation in the e-commerce market right now and a company that is solving this issue has been acquired by Firefox’s parent company Mozilla.

A startup named Fakespot deals with identifying fake reviews posted on various e-commerce sites including Amazon and flags them so that you are tricked into purchasing a product just by its reviews. Fakespot uses AI and Machine Learning to detect patterns and similarities between reviews to flag those that are fake. During the acquisition announcement, Mozilla said “Fakespot will continue to work across all major web browsers and mobile devices, and the Mozilla team will be investing in continuing to enhance the Fakespot experience for its many, dedicated users,”

The company added that “There will also be future Fakespot integrations that are unique to Firefox. The addition of Fakespot’s capabilities will make Firefox customers the best equipped to cut through deceptive reviews and shop with the confidence of knowing what they’re buying is high-quality and authentic.” Basically, now you will have Fakespot integrated right inside the Mozilla browser whenever you visit online shopping websites so you don’t have to install a third-party extension.

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